Knowledgeable experts support
the practical application of medicines,
medical devices,
and regenerative medicinal products.
What is MEDISO
MEDISO provides support for business ventures, academia,
and individuals intending to put into practical use medicines,
medical devices, and regenerative medicinal products.
Click here for further details.
About the Medical Innovation Support Office
The medical innovation support office matches medical venture companies and academic institutions facing challenges in the practical application of medical products and devices for specialists* who provide detailed consultation and support for solving problems at each stage from research and development to practical use, as well as insurance coverage at clinical sites, while looking ahead to the overall comprehensive advances and dissemination into the global market.
* Specialists in each field provide support for the response to laws and regulations, marketing, business planning, fund rasing, management strategy, intellectual property management, and international development, etc.
This website is operated by Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., as a trustee under instructions from the Economic Affairs Division, Health Policy Bureau, and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a part of the total support for the medical ventures program sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Support targets
Ventures, academic institutions, and individuals aiming to put into practical use the medicines, medical devices, regenerative medicinal products, and novel drug-discovery technologies or medical materials subject to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law.
Details of support
MEDISO provides support for the practical application of medicines, medical devices, regenerative medicinal products, and other products subject to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law.
That support includes business planning, financing, advice on laws and regulations, and other assistance as required.
- ●Support method:We provide support via online meeting or e-mail.
- ●Support source:Support is provided in cooperation with experts in R&D, consultants in pharmaceutical affairs, and experts from related organizations including the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
- ●Remarks:Consultation and support services are free of charge.
In case the link does not work, please contact us at the email address below
Specialists Introduction
We will introduce registered specialists
(updated as necessary).
Masashi Matsunaga
Biospire Japan Ltd. / Biospire UK Ltd.
Main specialty areas
- medicines
- medical devices
- regenerative medicine products
Specialized support fields
- Marketing
- Business planning
- Funding
- Business operation systems
As an experienced global business development strategist, Dr Masashi Matsunaga provides business soft-landing, clinical and regulatory support to the UK and European market. He also enables to support IP management, marketing and pitch-deck brush-up in the MEDISO support package. He is based at Harwell Science & Innovation Campus, a core UK innovation hub located near Oxford.
Jun Utsumi
CEO, TIR Research Consulting LLC.
Main specialty areas
- medicines
- medical devices
- regenerative medicine products
Specialized support fields
- Regulatory compliance
- Marketing
- Business planning
- Business operation systems
- Specialized support fields
JU graduated from the Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University. He holds DVM, D.Sc., MBA and has licenses of Professional Engineer (biotechnology), Radiation Protection Supervisor and Certified Scientist of Medical AI. He was engaged in research and clinical development at Toray Industries, Inc. and succeeded in commercializing the world's first opioid kappa agonist (received Awards from the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan and Okochi Memorial Foundation). After the business career, he served as a professor in Hokkaido University and Kyoto University, as well as an expert in Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) and a senior consultant for intellectual property at the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). Over 30 years of experience led him to establish a consulting company in 2018, he is also involved in medical DX support and won the Japan Open Innovation Award in 2023. He is part-time lecturers at the graduate schools of the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and the University of Tsukuba. He published “A Guide to Integrated Strategy in Drug Discovery” (Nanzando Co., 2015).
Motohiro Kobayashi
University of Yamanashi Hospital, Clinical Trial Management Office, Associate Professor
Main specialty areas
- medicines
- regenerative medicine products
Specialized support fields
- Regulatory compliance
- Business planning
- Business operation systems
With over 30 years of practical experience in pharmaceutical companies, ranging from basic research to clinical development, licensing activities, and regulatory audits. Subsequently, I served as a technical expert in the Innovation Commercialization Support & Strategic Consultation Division of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), dealing with regulatory consultation services for academia and venture companies (especially for regenerative medicine products and pharmaceuticals). Currently, I am working in the clinical research support department of a university, supporting physician-led clinical trials and clinical research. I have experienced numerous pre-meetings and face-to-face advice with PMDA. I also have experience in application support for public research and development projects (such as Seeds C, etc.) by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). In particular, I can provide detailed support for the development of regenerative medicine products (including quality and non-clinical).
Shin-ichi Kamachi
CRO-K Co.,Ltd
Main specialty areas
- medicines
- regenerative medicine products
Specialized support fields
- Regulatory compliance
- Business planning
- Business operation systems
Completed doctoral course at Kyushu University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. After joining Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Research Institute in 1977, he worked consistently on pharmaceutical research and development. He has experience in approving one small molecule drug and four biopharmaceuticals. He also has the experience of being the first Japanese company to recommend approval for a central review of EMA. He took early retirement in 2004 and mainly assists with biopharmaceutical CMC and non-clinical testing. After establishing the Japanese branch of an American biopharmaceutical consulting company (Biologic Consulting Group, BCG), he currently serves as a senior consultant for CLOCK Co., Ltd., providing support and advice on the development of biopharmaceuticals.
Mineki Takechi
Cardio Intelligence Inc. Chief Development Officer
Main specialty areas
- medical devices
Specialized support fields
- Business planning
- Business operation systems
- Etc
After working at Fujitsu Ltd. on the development of products and services such as image processing system and cloud information service for home healthcare, as well as research and development in information retrieval and AI, and new business development, I engaged in the construction of a pulmonary hypertension patient registry at the International University of Health and Welfare Mita Hospital. Since 2020, I have been serving as CDO at Cardio Intelligence Inc., responsible for the development of software medical devices for arrhythmia analysis and regulatory affairs. Since 2021, I have also been serving as COO, overseeing overall business planning and execution.
Introduction of measures implemented by public institutions
We will describe the measures from public institutions for pharmaceutical companies,
medical device companies, companies manufacturing regenerative medicinal products, and venture companies.
- The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare/
- Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)/
- Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/
- Cabinet Office/
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/
- Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications/
- Small and Medium Enterprise Agency/
- Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan/
- Union of Kansai Governments/
- New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)/
- Life Science Innovation Network Japan, Inc. (LINK-J)/
- Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/
- Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)/
- INCJ, Ltd./
- Osaka Prefecture/
- Tokyo Metropolis/
- Kanagawa Prefecture/
- National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (NIBIOHN)