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MEDISOA comprehensive portal site for Medical Innovation Support Office (MEDISO).Medical Innovation Support Office


What is MEDISO

MEDISO provides support for business ventures, academia,
and individuals intending to put into practical use medicines,
medical devices, and regenerative medicinal products.
Click here for further details.

About the Medical Innovation Support Office

The medical innovation support office matches medical venture companies and academic institutions facing challenges in the practical application of medical products and devices for specialists* who provide detailed consultation and support for solving problems at each stage from research and development to practical use, as well as insurance coverage at clinical sites, while looking ahead to the overall comprehensive advances and dissemination into the global market.
* Specialists in each field provide support for the response to laws and regulations, marketing, business planning, fund rasing, management strategy, intellectual property management, and international development, etc.

This website is operated by Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., as a trustee under instructions from the Economic Affairs Division, Health Policy Bureau, and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a part of the total support for the medical ventures program sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Support targets

Ventures, academic institutions, and individuals aiming to put into practical use the medicines, medical devices, regenerative medicinal products, and novel drug-discovery technologies or medical materials subject to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law.

Details of support

MEDISO provides support for the practical application of medicines, medical devices, regenerative medicinal products, and other products subject to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law.
That support includes business planning, financing, advice on laws and regulations, and other assistance as required.

Click here for inquiries

In case the link does not work, please contact us at the email address below

Specialists Introduction

We will introduce registered specialists
(updated as necessary).

Motohiro Kobayashi

University of Yamanashi Hospital, Clinical Trial Management Office, Associate Professor

Main specialty areas

  • medicines
  • regenerative medicine products

Specialized support fields

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Business planning
  • Business operation systems

With over 30 years of practical experience in pharmaceutical companies, ranging from basic research to clinical development, licensing activities, and regulatory audits. Subsequently, I served as a technical expert in the Innovation Commercialization Support & Strategic Consultation Division of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), dealing with regulatory consultation services for academia and venture companies (especially for regenerative medicine products and pharmaceuticals). Currently, I am working in the clinical research support department of a university, supporting physician-led clinical trials and clinical research. I have experienced numerous pre-meetings and face-to-face advice with PMDA. I also have experience in application support for public research and development projects (such as Seeds C, etc.) by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). In particular, I can provide detailed support for the development of regenerative medicine products (including quality and non-clinical).

Yutaka Kono

Guest professor
Drug Discovery Science Division,Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University

Main specialty areas

  • medicines
  • medical devices
  • regenerative medicine products

Specialized support fields

  • Business planning
  • Funding
  • Business operation systems
  • Etc

Yoshinori Shinoki

Pharma Initiative Support LLC

Main specialty areas

  • medicines
  • medical devices
  • regenerative medicine products

Specialized support fields

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Marketing
  • Business planning
  • Business operation systems

He graduated from the Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, and is a licensed pharmacist. At Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Eli Lilly Japan K.K., after taking charge of clinical development, business planning, etc., he acquired experience in planning and implementing various clinical development plans as a project leader for newly developed items in the project management department. In addition, he led NHI price negotiation strategy, post-marketing clinical startegy, and market planning. After that, he built up clinical development department at Global CRO. he also led the planning of the clinical development for Japan for small and biological products, as well as negotiating with regulatory authorities. Recently, in addition to medicines, he also led the development of clinical development strategies of medical devices and the products of regenerative medicine (gene therapy products and cell/tissue processed products).

Kiyoaki Kojima


Main specialty areas

  • medicines
  • medical devices
  • regenerative medicine products

Specialized support fields

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Business planning
  • Funding
  • Business operation systems
  • Specialized support fields

Kiyo advises clients in corporate formation, governance, and compliance matters; mergers and acquisitions; joint ventures; leasing and licensing matters; distribution and franchise arrangements; and a wide range of commercial transactions.An important part of Kiyo’s practice includes his work with international companies in relocating and/or establishing ventures in the U.S. He assists companies and investors with incentives and site selection; real estate acquisitions and construction agreements; corporate formation and governance; asset purchases and joint ventures; regulatory compliance; and contracts of all types to help ensure a seamless U.S. launch or transition.He also counsels clients in virtually all areas of labor and employment law, including drafting and/or interpretation of employment agreements, company policies, and handbooks; union-avoidance training; countering discrimination and harassment claims; hire, fire and discipline issues; and dispute resolution procedures. Active in the community, Kiyo is a member of the Atlanta Bar Association, a board member of the Japan America Society of Georgia, and a board member of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Georgia. He also serves in “advisor” or “supporter” roles in various entities in Japan, such as InnoHub, MEDISO, and IDEC Yokohama.

Ayuko Nemoto

Aquaxis Law Office

Main specialty areas

  • medicines
  • medical devices
  • regenerative medicine products

Specialized support fields

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Funding
  • Business operation systems
  • Specialized support fields

My practice focuses on legal and compliance matters related to healthcare and life science companies. I have been advising on healthcare related laws and regulations, working on legal due diligence for investment, M&A, contract negotiation, and all the other general corporate matters (including domestic and international corporate matters, intellectual properties, labour laws, M&A, JV, IPO support, contract review, personal data, pharmaceutical and advertisement regulations, commercial dispute, accident, communication with relevant authority). Also act as an Advisor of the International Affairs Working Group and MA & Clinical Trial Working Group of Japan Pharmaceutical Industry Legal Affairs Association, Supporter of HealthcareInnovationHub held by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and a member of IRB of the Council for Industrial use of Biological and Environmental Repositories (CIBER). Previously at international law firms.

About details of specialists

Introduction of measures implemented by public institutions

We will describe the measures from public institutions for pharmaceutical companies,
medical device companies, companies manufacturing regenerative medicinal products, and venture companies.

See more about measures implemented by public institutions