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Specialists Introduction

Medical Innovation Support Office support consultants in cooperation with experts (specialists) in each field of R&D, pharmaceutical affairs and insurance, intellectual property management, management and financial accounting, marketing, legal affairs, and international development, as well as related organizations, including the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

What is Specialists

Experts in each field of R&D, pharmaceutical affairs and insurance, intellectual property management, management and financial accounting, marketing, legal affairs, and international development.

Depending on the specifics of your request, we offer support in cooperation with appropriate specialists and related organizations, including the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Introduction of Support Providers

We will introduce registered support providers
(updated as necessary).

Yutaka Kono

Guest professor
Drug Discovery Science Division,Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Medical devices
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Business
  • Fundraising
  • Management
  • Other

Masaho Ishino

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Medical devices
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Management
  • Intellectual
  • Other

After engaging in medical research for 25 years, I became a patent attorney (JAPAN). Over the next 20 years, I have supported medical researchers in creating intellectual property and planning research strategies, as well as engaged in contract practice and technology transfer of university IP. Intellectual property strategies for regenerative medicine and other new modalities require not only a high level of expertise in both cutting-edge medical research and intellectual property rights, but also comprehensive knowledge covering clinical development and regulations. Utilizing my experience of contributing to the development research and practical application of university-originated seeds as a representative of an institution responsible for the AMED's Project of Translational and Clinical Research Core Centers and an organizer of nationwide academia intellectual property networks, I aim to contribute to raising the potential of intellectual property of academia/venture.

Katsuhiro Fukunishi

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Other

Takeshi komatani

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Medical devices
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Laws and
  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Management
  • Intellectual
  • Other

Takeshi S Komatani is currently principal litigation certified patent attorney in the field of chemical/pharma and bio/life sciences at a patent law firm, and has a number of counsels, including in academia, start-ups and big pharma internationally. Takeshi received his PhD from the University of Tokyo, Japan, received his LLB and LLM (global legal practice) from Keio University, and is currently a visiting professor at Kobe University, teaching IP strategy in entrepreneurship and Doshisha University (Kyoto). He has completed CEIPI Summer School on IP (University of Strasbourg), France. He is also qualified as a pharmacist with a certificate of Kampo and natural medicines specialist qualification. He was a researcher at F Hoffmann-La Roche in Basle, Switzerland. He has completed the EU-recognised PharmaTrain course at Osaka University, and is qualified as a board-certified member of the Japanese Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine. He is a member of the AIPPI and vice chair of TRIPS SC and a member of IP-GRTK SC and Pharma SC, and a member of the editorial board of the Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst (UK). He is also a member of JPAA, APAA, IPAJ, PSA, JPA, CSAIP and AAAS. He has lectured in academia, including at Japanese and German universities and WIPO Academy, and contributed to a number of articles.

Daisuke Sugiyama

Hiroshima University, Translational Research Center, Professor

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Medical devices
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Laws and
  • Fundraising
  • Management
  • Intellectual
  • Other

He obtained his PhD thesis at University of Tokyo. After working at several hospitals as a clinician, he has engaged in medical reserach at University Paris 6 (French Government Scholar), Dartmouth College (JSPS research fellow), Kyushu University and Hiroshima University. Based on the experiences working at ARO research core hospital and starting up bio-venture company, he supports and conducts both translational and clinical researches.

Yuki Yamakage

Representative Director, Takashi Shimada Office Co., Ltd.
Managing Partner, BD Consulting Ltd.

Main specialty areas

  • Medical devices
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Other

I have experience working for a global medical device company in insurance strategy development and insurance applications for products in a wide range of medical specialties and disease areas, as well as market access work (relevant academic societies, patient groups, government agencies and industry associations). I have now set up my own private practice and provide support to medical device and pharmaceutical companies and new entrants in terms of healthcare and care systems and insurance strategies. I have experience in the insurance application category (C1/C2 applications) for innovative medical devices. I also have a lot of experience in training employees and conducting seminars, most recently on SaMD insurance applications. My motto is to provide consulting services that address the concerns of my clients after explaining information on insurance applications for medical devices in a way that is easy to understand for beginners.

Tomohisa Hayasaki

GVA LPC Attorney-at-Law / Partner
The Leader of The Team ""Medical / Healthcare / Cosmetic Industry""

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Medical devices
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Laws and
  • Marketing
  • Fundraising
  • Intellectual
  • Other

After registering as a lawyer, I have been handling disputes such as corporate and labor disputes, as well as providing legal support for the designing lawful business models of new businesses and for funding. In addition, I have been providing legal support for businesses in the field of medical and beauty based on my knowledge of laws relating to medicals including the Japanese Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices and the Japanese Medical Care Act. In particular, I have been providing extensive support for numerous businesses operating in new field such as Software as Medical Device (SaMD) and Non-Software as a Medical Device (Non-SaMD), telemedicine/home call medical services, and also for companies utilizing medical information by employing new technologies such as AI. I am also addressing legal issues faced by companies using advance technologies. Furthermore, I have expertise in the latest marketing trend and offer advice on marketing strategies based on the Japanese Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, advertising regulations in Japan such as medical advertising regulations, and medical and pharmaceutical devices regulations.

Tsutomu Hoshiba

Kievit Scientific LLC President

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Medical devices
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Other

For over 30 years, I've established and managed Japanese life science companies in the US and Europe. In 2021, I founded Kievit Scientific in Philadelphia, utilizing my Western-acquired experience, up-to-date information, and network. I assist Japanese companies in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and chemical sectors in their international expansion, from strategic planning to product development and market entry. Harnessing my understanding of different cultures and wide-ranging scientific knowledge, I provide solutions to challenges faced by Japanese academia and startups in their global ventures, with the aim of supporting as many Japanese companies as possible to succeed overseas. Furthermore, through these endeavors, I promote the widespread adoption of innovative medical technologies, striving to realize a society where the benefits are extended to many.

Satoshi Morimoto

Morimoto Phrma Partrnering, Representative

Main specialty areas

  • Medicines
  • Regenerative medicinal products

Specialized support fields

  • Business
  • Management
  • Other

Representative of Morimoto Pharma Partnering. Master of Science in Applied Biochemistry, Graduate School of Waseda University. I stared my carrier at the former The Green Cross Corporation (now Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation), experienced in pharmaceutical R&D, product strategy planning, and business development. During that time, I was dispatched as the liaison to Germany for four years. My last position was Director of Business Development. Then, I joined to CMIC Holdings, where I led the business development of rare disease drugs as Director of Business Development and Head of IPD Company. From 2016, I spent six years at the Mitsubishi Chemical Group's Life Science Institute(LSII) as head of the Regenerative Medicine Division, where I was involved in the early stages of cell product development, initiating clinical trials, and leading the construction and operation of cell processing facilities. After retiring from LSII in 2021, I started own business as a consultant. I would like to provide practical advice based on my experience in the development and commercialization of rare disease drugs and regenerative medicine products. In addition, I would like to provide practical advice on business development from the perspective of having been introduced to various projects from venture companies over 30 years.